Thetis IMS


This document contains a description of the data model behind Thetis IMS.


The various elements in the data model are described by one or more labels. The labels provide information about specific aspect of the element.

Labels used on tables

table name

This label gives you the name of the table. This is the name you must use if you want to manipulate the data of the table through our REST API.

Labels used on fields

field name

This label gives you the name of the field. This is the name you must use in your JSON messages when you interact with our REST API.


This label gives you the type of the field. The field can either be a simple type, and embedded element or an enumeration.


This label names a contraint that applies to the values of this field.

Read only

This label indicates that the field is read-only. You should not include such fields in the body of your POST requests, when you interact with our REST API.

global reference

This label indicates that the value of this field must be a valid reference to another table. In our REST API you can use such references to directly lookup a record in the referenced table.

If a field is a global reference to ‘Shipment’, and the field has the value 4711, then you can lookup the referenced shipment like this:

GET /prod/shipments/4711 

context specific reference

This label indicates that the value of this field is a valid reference to another table. The value is, however, only unique within the same context.

piggybacked table

This label gives you the name of a table. Records from that table with relation to the current records are included in JSON messages from our REST API. They may also be included on POST requests.

Labels on enumeration


This label gives you the name of a possible value for a field of an enumeration type. This is the values you must use in messages to our REST API.

Localized fields

For every field that is either a date type or an enumeration type the system contains an extra field with the same value but formatted according to the current users time zone, language and country. The localized fields have the text ‘localized’ prefixed to their name.