Thetis IMS


Postal address for use in the physical delivery of goods.



The name of the person or company.

addressee String Length 0 to 255

c / o

The intermediary who is responsible for transferring shipment to the recipient.

careOf String Length 0 to 255

Street and number

The name of the street and the number of the property.

streetNameAndNumber String Length 0 to 255

Floor and suite

Floor and suite at the street address.

floorBlockOrSuite String Length 0 to 255

District or area

District or area within the city. Typically only relevant to major cities.

districtOrCityArea String Length 0 to 255


The name of the city, town or village.

cityTownOrVillage String Length 0 to 255

State or province

State or province in which the address is located. Typically only relevant to larger countries.

stateOrProvince String Length 0 to 255

Zip code

Zip code that uniquely identifies the area in which the address is located.

postalCode String Length 0 to 255

Country code

Country code indicated in two letters as described in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2.

countryCode CountryCode


Country name as entered.

countryName String Length 0 to 255