Thetis IMS



A location is a place where goods can be located.



You must provide either an id or a name of a container type.



Unique identification of this location across subscribers and territories.

id Long Read only


Unique identification of the location within the context.

locationNumber String Unique Not Blank Length 1 to 36 Pattern [^\t^\n^\x0B^\f^\r]*


Name to which this location is known.

name String

Location type

Type of location.

locationType LocationType Not Null

Picking order

Location Location in Pick Order.

pickingOrder Long

Number of lots

Number of lots currently available at this location.

numGlobalTradeItemLots Integer Read only

Number of trade items

Number of trade items that have this location as picking location.

numGlobalTradeItems Integer Read only

Zone id

Unique identification of the zone that this location belongs to.

zoneId Long

Zone Name

The name of the zone in which this location is located.

zoneName String Zone

Context id

Unique identification of the context in which this location was created.

contextId Long Context


Are lots placed on this location meant to be put-away?

putAwayContents Boolean

Container type id

Unique identification of the type that describes this location as a container of items.

containerTypeId Long Not Null ContainerType

Container type

Type that describes this location as a container of items.

containerTypeName String Not Null ContainerType

Data document

JSON document containing additional information about this location.

dataDocument String JSON


Location number

Show only the locations whose number matches the entered expression.

locationNumberMatch String

Location type

Show only locations of this type.

locationType LocationType

Container type

Only show locations with a container type matching this expression.

containerTypeNameMatch String

Only empty

Show only empty locations.

onlyEmpty Boolean

Zone name

Show only locations that belong to a zone whose name matches this term.

zoneNameMatch String

Only without zone

Only show locations that do not belong to any zone.

onlyNoZone Boolean