Thetis IMS

Stock taking


A count of a number of inventories carried out together.




Unique identification of this stock taking across contexts and subscriptions.

id Long Read only

Context id

Unique identification of the context that this stock taking belongs to.

contextId Long Context

Stock taking number

Unique identification of this stock taking within this context.

stockTakingNumber String Unique Length 1 to 36 Pattern [^\t^\n^\x0B^\f^\r]* Not Blank

Stock taking name

The name of this stock taking.

stockTakingName String


Time of creation of this count

timeCreated Date Format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'

List created

Time of the creation of the stock taking list for this stock taking.

stockTakingListTimeCreated Date Format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'

Adjustment list created

Time of the creation of the adjustment list for this stock taking.

adjustmentListTimeCreated Date Format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'

Adjustment list id

Unique identification of the adjustment list created for this stock taking.

adjustmentListId Long Document

Stock taking list id

Unique identification of the list made for this stock taking.

stockTakingListId Long Document


The type of the stock taking.

stockTakingType StockTakingType


Lines on this stock taking altogether.

numLines Integer

Lines counted

Lines counted on this stock taking.

numLinesCounted Integer

Data document

Document containing data used by external applications in JSON format.

dataDocument String JSON

Stocks for counting

List of stocks to be counted in connection with this count.

stockTakingLines List StockTakingLine


Count number

An expression that the counting number should match. You can use% and _ to enter a number of random characters and a single random character, respectively.

stockTakingNumberMatch String


Only show counts of this type.

stockTakingType StockTakingType

Only without counting list

Specifies whether the filter should only allow counts for which counting list has not yet been printed.

onlyNoStockTakingList Boolean

Only without adjustment list

Specifies whether the filter should only allow counts as no alignment list has yet to be printed.

onlyNoAdjustmentList Boolean


Only show stock takings created within this time interval.

createdWithinCommonTimeInterval CommonTimeInterval