Purchase order line
Description of a number of items expected to be received as part of a delivery.
You must provide either an id or a SKU for a trade item. You must provide either an id or a number of an purchase order.
Unique identification of this purchase order line across subscribers.
Context id
Unique identification of the context in which the purchase order line was created.
Order reference
Reference to a purchase order or line on a purchase order. The purchase order is not available in Pack!, So this is an external reference.
Expected arrival
Expected time of arrival for the purchase order that this line belongs to.
Qty expected
Number of items expected to be received in accordance with this line.
Qty received
Number of items actually received in accordance with this line.
Expected amount
The total amount that you expect to pay for the goods on this line.
Actual amount
The total amount that you actually have to pay or have paid for the goods on this line.
Expected cost
The expected cost calculated as the standard cost price of the item multiplied by the number of items expected.
Actual cost
The actual cost of the items received towards this line.
Std. cost price
The standard cost price of the item related to this line.
Actual cost price
The actual cost price for the items on this line.
Purchase price (piece)
The price you pay for a piece of the trade item.
Discount in percent.
The discount you have earned on this purchase as a percentage.
Note to recipient
Note to the employee who receives the goods.
Taxes related to this specific line (customs, etc).
Handling cost
Handling cost related to this specific line.
Conversion cost
Conversion cost related to this specific line.
Transport cost related to the aquisition of these items.
Barcode for the trade item expected to be received in accordance with this line.
SKU on the item ordered / received on this line.
Trade item id
Unique identification of the global trade item that will be or was delivered.
Purchase order no.
The number of the purchase order that this line belongs to.
Purchase order id
Unique identification of the purchase order that this line belongs to.
Product number
The number of the product that this trade item contains.
Product name
The name of the product that this trade item contains.
Variant of the product that is ordered on this line.
Expected status
Indicates the status that new item lots default must have on receipt.
Product id
HS Code
HS code for the product ordered on this line.
The unit used for measuring the product contained in the trade item.
Suppliers description
The suppliers description of the items quoted on this line.
Qty. contained
The number of units of the product contained in one of the trade items with relation to this line.
Exchange rate
Currency exchange rate of the purchase order this line belongs to.
Currency code
Currency code from the purchase order that this line belongs to.
Receipt id
Unique identification of the goods receipt created for the purchase order that this line belongs to.
Cost variance list id
Unique identification of the cost variance list created for the purchase order that this line belongs to.
Business item no.
Business item number for the item that this line references.
Excess delivery limit
The percentage allowed for the supplier to exceed the agreed amount with.