Packed item
One or more specimens of a given item that has been separated for a specific shipment.
Unique identification of this packed specimen or specimens across contexts and subscriptions.
Serial number
Serial Number that uniquely identifies this specific item of goods among all product specimens containing this product.
Time packed
Time of packing of this specific item.
Gross weight for this specific item, expressed in kilograms. Being equal to the weight of the trade item upon creation.
Defined volume for this specific item, expressed in liters. Being equal to the volume of trade item upon creation.
Number of identical items sampled at the same time. When the value of this field is greater than 1, the goods are counted at the packet and not scanned individually.
SKU for the items sold.
Information that identifies the packed trade item as a variant of the contained product.
Product number
The number of the product contained in this specific item.
Product name
Name of the product contained in the packed trade item.
Tracking no.
Package track and trace number assigned by the freight forwarder.
Shipment no.
The number of the shipment this item is included in.
Shipment line id
The shipment line for which these items are packed.
Packed by
The initials of the employee who packed this specimen.
Delivery address
Delivery address of the shipment that the packed items form part of.
Trade item id
Unique identification of the trade item packed.
HS Code
Harmonized System Code contained in the packed trade item.
Delivery date
Delivery date for the shipment that these packed items form part of.
Product id
Unique identification of the product contained in the packed trade item.
Shipment id
Unique identification of the shipment that these items form part of.
Shipping container id
Unique identification of the shipping container that contains these items.
Customer id
Unique identification of the customer that is the receiver of the shipment that these items form part of.
Context id
Unique identification of the context that these packed items belongs to.
Indicates whether the packing of these items were undone and put back on stock.
Time when the packing of these items was undone.
Sellers line reference
Sellers reference to the line the items were packed for.
Dangerous goods number
Number that identifies this items as dangerous goods.
Hazardous packing group
Indicates if and how it is allowed to mix these items with other items during transporting.