Return line
Lines on a return shipment.
You must provide either an id or a SKU for a trade item. You must provide either an id or a number of a return shipment.
Unique identification of this return line across contexts and subscriptions.
Customer no.
Number of the customer returning the items.
Return shipment
Number of the return shipment that this line belongs to.
SKU identifying the item returned.
Variant that is returned.
Trade item id
Unique identification of the item returned.
GTIN for the item returned.
Product id
Context id
Customer id
Unique identification of the customer returning the items.
Return shipment no.
Unique identification of the return shipment this line belongs to.
Product no.
Number of the product returned.
Product name
Name of the product being returned.
Return reason
The reason that these items were returned by the customer.
Qty expected
The number of items that we expect to receive.
Qty received
The number of items received.
Notes on reception
Notes to be observed on reception of items.
Expected status
The status that we expect the items to have when we receive them.
Refund to give to customer with regard to this line.
Currency code
Currency code of the return shipment that this line belongs to.
Exchange rate
Exchange rate for the return shipment that this line belongs to.
Qty. contained
The number of units of the product contained in one of the trade items with relation to this line.
The unit used for measuring the product contained in the trade item.